It is no secret that many people are afraid to leave home and explore what is unknown to them. People fear traveling for many reasons. Although some of these fears can be reasonable, I find that many people create excuses not to travel rather than have legitimate concerns. The recent outbreak of Ebola for example, has spread from west Africa into Europe and the Unites States. Is that an excuse not to travel? I think not. We are traveling to Madrid, Spain in two weeks, which has been hit with a small Ebola outbreak. It is useless to be daunted by such things.
People are afraid to fly because of events happening in the Middle East and recently in the Ukraine. Hundreds of flights take off and land day by day. Yes, accidents do happen. Planes do go down. The vast majority though, arrive perfectly at a destination that you are too afraid to see. Traveling is not for everybody and if you do not want to, I say it's your loss. To those who want to see the world but are too afraid, I advise you to get out there and learn that the world has so much more to offer than bombs and terror.
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